
Upcoming Events

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We would love for you to join us, either in person or on Zoom,
every Sunday at 10:00 am.

Thanks for visiting our website. Laurier Heights Baptist Church is a community of Christians who meet in the Laurier Heights community. We are seeking to follow Jesus and develop expressions of community that impact people both inside and outside the church. 

Our Sunday worship service places value on worship music, praying for each other, and teaching from the Bible that is focused on the person of Jesus Christ. Come and visit and you will find a welcoming group of people who love God and want to make a positive difference in our community and city.

We encourage you to come and join us in-person on a Sunday morning, or feel free to send us an email or give us a call. We would be happy to connect with you. 


Jim Hall & Carol Henders,

Pastoral Lead Team